
Summer Youth Feeding Program keeps children full while out of school

As you may know, thanks to people like you, Running Strong has been providing free meals to all children on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation since June 1st through our Summer Youth Feeding Program. Every weekday, from now until August 7th, these children are guaranteed a fun and nutritious breakfast and lunch, which they would otherwise be unable to count on now that school is out of session.

The program feeds these children five days a week at three community centers, and this year, we are excited to announce that we’ve added breakfast in addition to lunches every weekday!

Take a look at just some of the meals these kids have had so far thanks to our supporters!


This year, these children will come to the summer food program locations for pick-up-and-go breakfasts and lunches in order to maintain their safety and wellness due to COVID-19. 

But in order to ensure that every child can receive two meals a day, we need your help!

Today, think about the youth in need. It doesn’t cost much to provide them a breakfast, a lunch, or both, but the impact is huge. It creates a little normalcy, and after all, isn’t that exactly what we’re all looking for these days? 

Help American Indian Youth by Donating Today!