20_351_Earth Guardians_ Group shot of youth on the main stage of Good Medicine Camp

Earth Guardians Inspire a New Generation of Indigenous Activists

The mission of Earth Guardians, among Running Strong for American Indian Youth® newest partners, is to inspire, galvanize and train diverse youth to be effective leaders in the climate and social justice movement using art, music, storytelling, civic engagement, legal and direct action to advance solutions to the critical issues we face as a global community.

Earth Guardians notes that “many young people are feeling hopeless about the state of the planet they are inheriting” and combines its work in two very pressing realms: environmental degradation and growing apathy among young people.

The organization started its on-the-ground work as one of the world’s first youth-led environmental and social justice nonprofits 27 years ago and since then its crews, which “represent the heart and soul of the organization” have grown from a few dozen to almost 300 across 61 countries.

Over nearly three decades, its actions have included lawsuits against US and state governments, international climate strikes, campaigns against fracking, plastics, air pollution, and oil pipelines, designing climate and environmental curriculum for US schools and summer camps, programming for youth conferences, get-out-the-youth-vote drives, divestment campaigns, and more.

Earth Guardians states that some of its most impactful work has been done at its annual youth trainings, from its Indigenous youth leadership training, to gatherings of its global crew leaders.

And this summer, Running Strong is proud to be a supporter of its upcoming annual event.

“We are creating these spaces to nurture and amplify the voices and passions of these diverse youth leaders, while providing them with the tools and teachings they need to be as effective as possible,” states Earth Guardians.

Over the course of the year after training, its goal is for each attendee to return to their tribal communities feeling more whole, uplifted and supported so that they can initiate the implementation of their respective campaigns, projects and solutions designed during the training.

“Earth Guardians is committed to supporting Indigenous youth, helping them develop the platform and tools they need to be leaders within the climate justice movement, amplifying their voices, and supporting the on-the-ground work and innovative solutions they are activating in their communities and nationwide.”

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