“Teaching children at this young age to grow their own food can set them up for success; families in need can use from the garden and children will feel a sense of pride for what they have accomplished.”
Megan Osburne-Wamsley
Head Teacher, Yurok Tribe Head Start

Meghan Osburne-Wamsley is a Head Start teacher at the Yurok Tribe Head Start in Klamath, California who will use her $1,000 grant to start a school garden so students can grow fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

Her mission is to explore gardening with the students at her school by planting their own fruits and vegetables. Teaching children gardening skills at a young age will set them up for future use. Families in need will be offered fresh produce from their garden and students will develop a sense of pride on what they have accomplished.

This project will help students and families in need. The fresh fruits and vegetables or given out to families will be supplemented with seedlings and instructions for families to start their own garden. Young students will participate in the garden planning process and the planting – digging, raking, pushing a wheelbarrow, and planting seedlings. They will use math concepts when counting and measuring, and they will learn where their food comes from and how it is grown.

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