“I see many of our students who excel in putting together models of Lego kits and toy cars. I see many students with a talent for art. Adding this program after school will allow students to feel successful at school. They can bring things home to their parents/guardians that they are proud of.”
Shannon Britton
Principal, Round Valley Elementary/Middle School

Shannon Britton is the principal of Round Valley Elementary/Middle School in Covelo, California, and has been a teacher there for 22 years. She will be use her $5,000 grant to launch an afterschool program one day a week where students can work on science and art projects. 

She will enlist teachers to stay an extra day afterschool each week with students and supply them with materials for projects. 

These students come from a high unemployment and poverty area, and this after-school program will give students the opportunity to explore the sciences and arts and think creatively.

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