Sheniah Reed, 21, spends most of her days in school at University of Wisconsin-Stevens point studying Wildlife Ecology and Management and Biology and is an active member of the Wildlife Society, Women in Natural Recourses Organization, and university groups that support indigenous representation and education. She has a great passion for advocating for animals and protecting the natural environment they inhabit.
The University of Wisconsin Native Nations “Water Is Life” Conference is Sheniah’s next step in her work. Working with the Native American Center and many other departments at the University, the Water Is Life conference is a “call to action” for all people.
Through productive discussions around water quality protection, tribal food sovereignty and sustainability, and how to get involved in local and national environmental justice efforts, she is creating both an opportunity for non-Native people to learn about the social inequity and environmental injustices Native people have faced for centuries and a space for Native people in the region to reflect on these injustices and strategize how to keep fighting them.
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