Dreamstarter Jacob Grignon

The end goal is to see these stories passed on with sincerity and with confidence. It is to allow a now older generation of Native Americans the feeling of security when sharing these stories and hopefully open the door to more healing and preservation of history and culture.                   

Jacob Grignon

Jacob Grignon
Jacob Grignon, an enrolled member of the Menominee Tribe, is a student, a photographer, and a musician who is passionate about listening to and passing on the stories of his elders.

Teachings of Elders Shape Native Communities

Since high school, Jacob has been helping his community discover and archive both historic and prehistoric Native American sites, assisting in archiving and protecting over 1,500 sites.

Through relationship-building and interviews with Native elders, Jacob will create an audio and video archive of Traditional Teachings, giving elders the opportunity to share their stories and giving Native youth moderated access to their lessons.

Preserving Cultural Values Through Oral Tradition

Whether through archival projects like this, or through other forms of oral storytelling, Jacob wants to give all Native people a voice. When Native elders share their stories, they are teaching valuable lessons. When youth listen, they are learning, developing cultural identity, and helping to preserve traditional lifeways.

“Speaking is how we as Native Americans connived our language, our entertainment, and our lessons. The lessons of the Indigenous community are hard fought. After enduring much suffering and survival, we are now in a place of revitalization.”

DS JG in Action Playing_for_the_Elders_at_Besaw_center
Mentor and Jacob in action at Storytelling event at Planetarium called IMPACT

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