Your company can help Running Strong create opportunities for and empower American Indian communities across the country, either through a corporate grant or a more customized support package.

Corporate Grants

Each year, Running Strong raises over $3 million in order to create sustainable change in Native communities. Our focus areas include safe housing, basic needs, culture and language preservation, Dreamstarters, emergency assistance programs, organic gardens and food, schools and youth centers, women’s health, and seasonal programs.

Our goal is to build the capacity of communities, grassroots American Indian organizations, and individuals to leverage their strengths to solve problems.

Your company can help us reach this goal through your corporate support grant. Your funds can either support a specific program or the general operation of our agency.

Your Customized Support

Running Strong for American Indian Youth also understands many corporate partners want more involvement beyond writing a check.  They want their employees to feel connected and invested in the causes they choose to support.  That’s why our team will work with your company to tailor your support partnership to fit your company’s goals and needs, if you’d like to contribute with this more customized option.

Specific corporate support opportunities can include:

  • Sponsor a Dreamstarter
  • Sponsor the Dreamstarter Academy
  • Staff fundraising challenges – gardening in the Spring, Summer food boxes, or heat match in the Winter
  • Attend and/or Sponsor our Annual Running Strong Tour in September
  • Sponsor or recruit a team for the Annual Running Strong Marine Corp Marathon in October
  • Support a drive for new school supplies, backpacks, coats and shoes for Indian youth
  • Online marketing opportunities through e-newsletters, website promotion
  • Social media activity

Running Strong’s program involvement reaches far and wide. With our longstanding partnerships in Indian Country, we want to work with your company and staff to create sustainable change in Native communities across the country.

Thank you for building awareness and raising funds to help create lasting impact in the lives of American Indian people, especially Indian youth.

To find out more about our corporate support opportunities, please contact Anita Uyehara at


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